The Gibbon Rehabilitation Project

The Gibbon Rehabilitation Project since 1992 deals with the free reintroduction of illegally kept Gibbons. The reintroduction of the gibbon today still remains a relatively new division of the conservation movement, as well as uncharted terrain for researchers around the world. The Gibbon Rehabilitation Project has tested numerous methods of reintroducing the gibbon over the past 27 years. Each reintroduction is a learning opportunity as each gibbon arrived with different cruel backgrounds. The groundbreaking discoveries we have made through our fieldwork give us many difficult but very useful lessons for the future of rehabilitation and release of these gibbons.

One of the best ways to end the illegal use of the gibbon is to end the demands, both for the black tourist business and the pet trade, Gibbon Rehabilitation Project does this through visitor education at the Center for conservation education and fundraising, the Gibbon Rehabilitation Project hopes to create awareness of the plight of the gibbon in captivity and the role tourism plays in the demand for newborn gibbons. To repopulate the last remaining rainforest in the Phuket-Khao Pra Theaw non-hunting area (Department of National Park, Wildlife and Plant Conservation): gibbons were brought to extinction in Phuket over 40 years ago. Also to repopulate the second release site in the far north of Thailand, Pang Champee. Gibbons has also disappeared here for decades.