Responsible Tourism

Responsible Tourism

In recent years, the tourism sector has experienced a period of enormous growth, becoming one of the most important economic sectors for many countries. This development has produced a strong environmental, social, cultural and economic impact that has been accompanied by a form of exploitation, particularly in Third World countries: exploitation of resources, the environment and local populations. Some exotic paradises appreciated for their pristine beauty have become impoverished, filled with waste and “cement giants” due to the intense construction activity, the neglect and carelessness of tourists. Often travelers stay in these large luxury structures, far from the local reality and therefore do not make the tourist perceive a true “cultural difference”; this means that contact with the locals is really limited and superficial.

Perché alcuni espatriati e turisti occidentali in Thailandia non prendono ancora sul serio il coronavirus?

Perché alcuni espatriati e turisti occidentali in Thailandia non prendono ancora sul serio il coronavirus?

Quando il governo ha annunciato nuove regole per minimizzare ulteriormente i contatti sociali il 18 marzo, è stato ampiamente applaudito come misure per prevenire ulteriori focolai. Significa che luoghi come bar, palestre, massaggi e cinema dovevano chiudersi con effetto immediato.